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The Crypto Conversation

Feb 25, 2022

Robbie Heeger is President and CEO of Endaoment, the first fully on-chain 501(c)(3) tax-exempt public charity providing a wide range of philanthropic financial services. Crypto investors and orgs can use Endaoment to donate crypto to nearly any US nonprofit.

Why you should listen:

Endaoment accepts more than...

Feb 24, 2022

Matthew Savare, a partner at the law firm Lowenstein Sandler, joins Andy to explore the important legal issues surrounding the use of someone’s likeness in an NFT.

Why you should listen:

The state of the law regarding name, image, and likeness issues (“NIL” or right of publicity) was once described as a...

Feb 21, 2022

Andy Pickering is here with a weekly crypto market update where we look through the volatile world of Crypto Twitter to tease out the most important narratives and data points. 

Bitcoin is back down to $38,500 as negative news headlines continue to impact the markets. The Queen and Justin Bieber both have COVID and...

Feb 17, 2022

Richerd is a professional NFT Degen, a smART contract artist, and the co-founder of Manifold. Manifold enables web3 creators to have true creative ownership, preserve on-chain provenance, and interoperate with all major NFT marketplaces. 

Why you should listen:

Manifold Creator includes a powerful extension framework...

Feb 15, 2022

Milana Valmont and Mateusz Grzelak are the co-founders of KIRA, a financial hub connecting decentralized Web3 applications.

Why you should listen:

KIRA is a decentralized network secured by both cryptocurrencies and real-world assets at stake thanks to its proprietary Multi-Bonded-Proof-of-Stake (MBPoS) consensus...